
You make me feel like I can fly!

Listen to it! It's incredible. The Edge and Bono drive me crazy (in a positive way). :D They prolong the beginning of the song, and make me (as a person who already knows the song) to "beg" for the "drums", to make Larry to play. They prepare me step by step for... elevation! Listen to it on high volume, even if your doctor and your friends say that you will become deaf. :) I recommend you the entire concert from Chicago or U23D.

Note: Pause the playlist from the right column of this blog, before playing this video (or you are going to have some noise instead of real music).;)

This is a special gift for you my friend, for your birthday - Happy Birthday!


Ayemi said...

Great song. As I told you, after a long hesitation, I finally became a great fan of U2.

Beudean said...

That's great! I can't wait to listen to their new album (it will be launched in 2009) and I hope I can go to one of their concerts.