
What's up, doc?

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the US and the EU are members of G20 and represent 85% of world's economy. G20 leaders met in Washington to plan the future for this world. Honestly, I wasn't there and I am not able to understand WHY they actually met. They might be afraid to say that they met to find a solution to get out from the financial crisis, or probably that's not the real reason of the summit. Or I didn't read the right articles. Who knows?!

Few days ago I started to read intensively about the summit and now I can say that the situation is too complex for me and even for those leaders who met in Washington. The Western European countries asked for the meeting, and they want "standards" and more control over the market. US accepted the "date" and they still love the free market and the capitalism. The communist China has the money and its economy is still growing. Brazil and other "emerging economies", which can "deliver" the money to the others, want more power and control over IMF and World Bank, and these countries come with a brilliant idea (daaah, nobody thought about it before - ironic): in the time of globalization, we need a global movement to get out from this crisis. In other words, don't play by yourself in your own backyard, and think globally for all this planet. Ok. Got it.

What about us? I didn't get the end, the conclusions of the summit. In '44, after a similar meeting (between 44 countries, and not 20 "powers") the things were clearer, and the results - obvious: UN, IMF, World Bank, Marshall plan were established, and the world's economy started to grow as in a fairy-tale. After these days summit, the 20 leaders "pledge to restore the growth" (what? that's all?) and to make a new "trade deal" within weeks (when? who? what? why? how?).

After the same meeting from '44, the people started to believe/trust those leaders and their plans. After this summit, I (what about you?) don't trust anything and anyone. Moreover, I am more and more concerned. The financial world, and the everyday life (in my opinion) are based on trust and reciprocity. These two disappeared and it's hard to recover them at any level. I write words, and manage ideas. I'm sorry, I don't have any solution. All I can do is to try to put my trust in those who should find a solution for this situation. I'm waiting.

P.S. As you probably observed, in G20 there are some European countries mentioned separately from EU: France, Germany, Italy and UK. Aren't these EU members anymore? Did they get out from EU and they didn't tell me a thing? With or without EU? They should decide what they want, because I consider this attitude to be a weird one in a context in which these countries support or, at least, they say they support a strong and unified Europe called European UNION.


Ayemi said...

Well, at least I am reassured that I am not the only one lost in this financial crisis.
Personally, I think this meeting you talking about is just a show. Just a show to make people feel that something is being done.
As someone said when these big corporations make bunch of moneys, they keep it to themselves and their shareholders. But when they are in trouble, the taxpayer has to come and bail them out.
Well, that is the world as it goes. The corporations have invested in the elections of most of these world leaders...so you understand.

Beudean said...

Yeah... that's a sad true. I was mad too for that "show". But last night I read an article about European Commission which was asking the rich countries for aid to poor nations. Here is the article:


I hope they will walk as they talk.