Ca spectator m-am simtit agasata, fara vreun scop. Daca in celelalte filme ale lui, vazute de mine, vedeam unde vrea sa ma duca si de unde vroia sa ma faca sa ma intorc un alt om - cu sentimente mai multe, mai variate, cu limite si momente depasite - de data asta nu i-a mai mers cu mine. Refuz sa mai caut explicatii, sa inteleg mesajul filmului, imi accept limitele psihice si spun ca pentru mine e prea mult si fara sens.
Ii recunosc genialitatea ca regizor, pe care nu si-o pierde, dar refuz sa mai intru in lumea lui care devine din ce in ce mai nebuna, cu fiecare film, doar de dragul de a fi nebun.
Coming out from the theater (I've watched Antichrist, directed by Lars Von Trier), I said with some rational anger in my voice: Never. I don't want to see any of his movies. And I will keep my promise: I will never go to one of Von Trier's movies. Before going to Antichrist, I prepared myself, I knew it will be an emotionally hard movie (as all the others I've seen), but this time the director's madness went beyond any limit.
As a movie watcher I felt emotionally abused, for no reason. If in his other movies I knew that there was a reason for all the "shocks" received - I knew where the director wants me to go, what new feelings I should explore, and what limits I should break - this time he wasn't able to convince me of his other intentions beside madness. I refuse to look for explanations, reasons. I refuse to understand the movie's message. I accept my psychological limits and I say it's too much for me and it doesn't make sense.
I recognize Von Trier is a genius, and he remains a genius for me, but I refuse to enter in his world anymore, a world which is crazier than ever, only for the sake of being crazy.
Intelegi conceptul de opera de arta, nu? :) De ce crezi ca a fost premiat?
fara sa ma laud, ci doar sa explic: am terminat un liceu de arte plastice :D stiu ce e aia opera de arta si chiar am apreciat genialitatea lui Von Trier (dupa cum vezi bine si in cele scrise de mine). dar ca si spectator am dreptul sa refuz arta atunci cand depaseste niste limite stabilite tot de mine. Din cate stiu eu, filmul lui Von Trier a primit un ANTI-award la Cannes... dar poate ma insel.
Oricum premiile nu imi spun mare lucru. Mari artisti nu au primit niciun premiu de-a lungul vietii lor, iar altii au luat premii cu nemiluita si "operele" lor nu au nicio valoare astazi.
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