
L(i)(o)ve Cinema

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Ma uitam pe programul de filme de la cinema acum 5 minute (atemporale). Nimic interesant. Se fac filme de zeci de ani… inca nu sunt o suta, nu? Si eu am inceput sa ma indoiesc de faptul ca ar mai fi subiecte care nu au fost atinse, perspective care nu au fost impartasite, scene si modalitati de filmare care sa nu fi fost incercate.

Am vazut in filme trecut, prezent si viitor. Ultimele filme bune pe care le-am vazut mi-au placut pentru ca: unul era ironic cu prezentul, unul avea o perspectiva bine exprimata asupra vietii, unul avea o actiune si un scenariu bine construite si unul mi-a adus aminte ca viata e gri si ca si cel mai mare criminal poate fi iubit. L-as iubi? Care sunt filmele? Nu conteaza.

Vorba unui prieten, nu ne mai speriem la filme de groaza. Nimic nu ne mai poate surprinde. Ne plictisesc povestile de iubire, comediile ni se par stupide, filmele SF - excesiv incarcate si fara consistenta, filmele politice – tot politice. Stiu ca am zis ca nu mai merg la Von Trier, dar el aduce in scena subiecte “bolnave” pe care altii fie nici macar nu le gandesc, fie nu au curajul sa le puna in film. Si e nou, revoltator si genial ce poate iesi dintr-o idee “vomata”.

Si cum n-am gasit niciun film de vazut, astept momentul noului film al lui Tarantino. Oare are ceva nou?Poate mi-ar placea sa ma duc la cinema ca sa ma uit la o transmisie live din Time’s Square… sa vedem ce fac new-york-ezii chiar acum, la ora 17. Si ce fac la 17-05. Spectatori din Romania sa urmareasca ce fac oameni din SUA. Si cei din Africa - ce fac cei din Asia si asa mai departe. Si fara stiri si meciuri de fotbal la cinema, va rog.

Oare poti inchiria de ziua ta o sala de cinema (cu popcorn cu tot) si sa alegi tu ce filme vrei sa le pui invitatilor? Oare ar veni cineva la o astfel de petrecere?

L(i)(o)ve Cinema

I was looking at the list of the movies running in the theaters this week. Nothing interesting. There are less then one hundred years of cinema history (correct me if I’m wrong), and I began to think that there are no new subjects for the movies – all were discussed and presented over and over again. There are no new perspectives, scenes or ways of shooting a movie. Nothing can surprise us enough.

I saw the past, the present and the future in the movies. I liked the last movies I watched because: one was ironic with the present time, another one had a very good and well presented view over the life in general, another one had a very good script, and the last one reminded me that life is gray and even the biggest criminal can be loved. Would I love a criminal? Which are the movies? It doesn’t matter.

As one of my friends says the horror movies are not scary anymore. Nothing can surprise us anymore. We get bored when we watch a love story, the comedies are stupid, the SF movies don’t have consistence, but are based on excessive special effects, the political movies are too political. I know that I promised to never watch Von Trier’s movies again, but at least he has new subjects (quite “sick” topics) that others don’t dare to transform in movies or that others don’t even think about. And he is able to make from a “vomited” idea an original, and shocking movie.

So, I didn’t find any movie to watch. I’m waiting now for the new Tarantino’s movie. Would it have something new? Maybe I would love to go to the theater to watch a live movie/reality show from Time’s Square… just to see the New York people at 5 pm, or at 5:05 pm. So people from Romania will watch people from USA. And those from Africa will watch people from Asia and so on… But news and football games would not be projected in the theaters (please!).

I wonder if one can rent a theater for his/her birthday and pick up the movies he/she wants to share/watch with his/her guests. Would anyone come to such a birthday party?


U2 day - my unforgettable fire

My favorite U2 song - Unforgettable fire ... is again in their concerts :)

The Unforgettable Fire

Your only rivers run cold
These city lights
They shine as silver and gold
Dug from the night
Your eyes as black as coal

Walk on by
Walk on through
Walk 'til you run
And don't look back
For here I am

The wheels fly and the colors spin
Through alcohol
Red wine that punctures the skin
Face to face
In a dry and waterless place

Walk on by
Walk on through
So sad to beseige your love so head on
Stay this time
Stay tonight in a lie
I'm only asking but I...
I think you know
Come on take me away
Come on take me away
Come on take me home
Home again

And if the mountain should crumble
Or disappear into the sea
Not a tear, no not I

Stay in this time
Stay tonight in...
Ever after, this love in time
And if you save your love
Save it all

Don't push me too far
Don't push me too far


Ganduri de Intercity

For the English version of this article, click here.
Am inteles in sfarsit de ce ma obosesc calatoriile din ultimul timp. N-au fost multe, dar suficiente sa imi dau seama ca imi place sa plec si sa nu ma intorc mai devreme de cateva luni. Dar in ultimul an, n-am facut decat sa ma intorc spre acelasi si acelasi loc - orasul in care mi-am cumparat cele mai multe genti. Si asta ma oboseste. Nu, nu sa imi cumpar genti, ci sa dau apa la moara locului din care cred ca vreau sa plec.

Tot in ultimul timp imi spun ca, de fapt, nu imi doresc altceva de la viata decat sa calatoresc nonstop, fara opriri de lunga durata, sa cumpar vederi, sa scriu vederi si jurnale de calatorie si, eventual, sa pictez. Ce o sa fac cu ce am agonisit pana acum? O sa port discutii interesante cu oamenii interesanti pe care sper sa ii intalnesc pe parcurs.

De ce nu ma uit si eu pe geam cand sunt in tren si ma pune ala mic si negru sa ma sprijin intr-un cot si sa ma uit asa, in fata, printre scaune? Atunci imi vin toate gandurile astea si nu ma pot concentra nici pe romanul care imi sta pe genunchi, nici pe muzica din casti si nici integrame nu pot sa fac. Pentru ca pe "culoarul" asta in V mai vezi o mana, jumatate de zambet, margine de sacou, colt de rucsac, gesturi fara sens. Si imi dau seama ca asta e tot ce vezi si in viata din ceilalti oameni. Niciodata nu ii poti vedea pe de-a-ntregul si atunci cand se apropie de scaunul tau pot sa iti ofere prea multe surprize.

Mai bine m-as uita pe geam si v-as spune despre ce a mai ramas din Romania. Am fi cu totii mai castigati dintr-o analiza a garilor, a campurilor de porumb si a ruinelor de la Copsa Mica.

Train thoughts

Finally I understood why I get so tired when I'm traveling. I traveled enough in the last few weeks - long enough to realize that I don't like the fact that I have to come back. I love to leave and, if it's possible, never come back for good. But in the last year, I came back over and over again in the same place - the city where I bought a lot of purses. And this makes me tired. No, I'm not speaking about the shopping. I'm tired because I feel that coming back to the same old place strongly connects me to it - to the city I think I want to leave.

At the same time, lately, I tell myself that the only things I want from life are: traveling, buying postcards, writing postcards and journals, and, probably, painting. What would I do with all the knowledge and work and life experience I got till now? I would use these for all the interesting conversations I would have with interesting people I would meet.

I cannot understand myself. Usually people that travel put their eyes on the train's window and... look at whatever they see. That's not me. I look to the chairs symmetrically aligned in front of me and that's the moment when all these thoughts come into my mind and I cannot focus anymore on the novel I read or on the music I listen to. Looking to the chairs perfectly aligned, making a perfect passage where I can see parts of the travelers: a hand, half of a smile, a part of a jacket, the corner of a bag, some nonsense gestures. And I realized that's life. A passage where you can see or meet only parts of people, a passage where you can never get a person with all his/her details. And when a person gets up and comes to your chair you can have a lot of good or bad 'surprises'.

It would have been better to look out of the window, and now to tell you about what left from Romania. We probably would be happier with an analysis of the railway stations, corn fields or Copsa Mica ruins.