
O afacere profitabila ce trebuie oprita de consumatori

Afacerile cele mai necurate si cele mai profitabile nu sunt nici cele cu arme si nici cele cu droguri. Fiinta umana traficata pare sa devina afacerea viitorului pentru organizatiile criminale. Cateva grame de cocaina se vand si se consuma o singura data, femeia sau copilul traficat se vinde de cateva ori pe zi si poate la nesfarsit sau pana la sfarsitul vietii lor – mor in chinuri sau reusesc sa se sinucida.

27 milioane de oameni sunt traficati pentru munca fortata sau pentru sex in fiecare an. 80% dintre victime sunt femei, mai bine de jumatate dintre cei traficati sunt copii. De obicei, victimelor li se promite un “dus” de bunastare, fericire, vise ce pot deveni realitate. Sunt prostite, luate de pe strada sau vandute de cei in care aveau cea mai mare incredere – parinti sau rude sau prieteni apropiati. Se simt vinovate ca au crezut in cineva sau ca au visat. Cu cutitul la gat in fiecare zi, vandute de 10-20 de ori pe zi, brutalizate de stapani si clienti, nu se mai simt oameni. Se supun, pentru ca cei care le controleaza ii controleaza si pe cei dragi lor sau pentru ca spera ca suferinta lor nu poate dura la nesfarsit si vor doar sa supravietuiasca.

Mor. Si daca nu mor, cum va fi viata lor dupa aceea? Atunci cand se arunca de la etajul unui hotel de cartier prost faimat si sunt gasite moarte pe strada fara acte si imbracate provocator – asa cum le-au obligat “stapanii” – sunt tratate ca prostituate, cadavre pe care nu le revendica nimeni. Atunci cand reusesc sa fie salvate, nu primesc mai multa consideratie, iar compasiunea nu le ajuta. Ce ai putea sa le spui? Ce ai putea schimba in acel moment? Nimic.

Cand nu ne place un produs, nu-l mai cumparam.  Ar fi capabili consumatorii de fiinte traficate sa renunte sa le cumpere si/sau consume? Daca am reusi sa privim acest subiect ca un subiect de economie internationala, ca o piata cu cerere si oferta, asa cum o fac organizatiile criminale, ne-am concentra nu doar pe “stapani”, pe cei care vand, cat si pe cei care cumpara – clientii. Ei trebuie opriti.



Few days ago I started to read Paula by Isabel Allende. Yesterday evening I found this speech where she “tells tales of passion” – passion that makes people to change themselves and the world.

It’s also a speech about… women. I learned that saying “it’s not fair!” is not enough, and you have to find “mapendo” – the great love or passion that helps you make a difference.


Revolutie sau tacere democratica?

For the English version of this article, click here

Daca maine creierul vostru ar organiza alegeri ce ati vota?

a) Sa vorbesc  si sa nu ma gandesc la NIMIC

b) Sa ma gandesc si sa nu vorbesc NIMIC


Tanjesc dupa discutii interesante care sa ma scoata din maruntisurile discutiilor despre pantofi cu nasturi. Ultimele idei extraordinare, puse in discursuri simple si inteligente, le-am auzit / impartasit in urma cu trei luni. Una dintre discutii, care a durat cateva ceasuri - mutate dintr-un restaurant intr-o cafenea si apoi pe strada - era despre cum sa ajuti oamenii care traiesc in saracie sau tari “in curs de dezvoltare” fara sa ii/le umilesti. A doua a fost un schimb de emailuri despre filmul The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. De atunci, nu imi aduc aminte nicio alta idee sau conversatie care sa imi zdruncine neuronii.

Ma simt ca un fumator care nu a mai fumat demult, iar atunci cand pune intre buze prima tigara tremura, scapa bricheta, se arde si tuseste inecandu-se cu extaz. Cand gasesc omul potrivit, cel cu care altadata aveam discutiile cele mai interesante, ma pierd si il pierd intre greseli de copil care invata sa vorbeasca.

In ultima saptamana insa mi-am hranit creierul cu discursuri de pe www.TED.com/talks. Ma uit la trei-patru discursuri in fiecare seara si apoi pot sa dorm linistita. Mi-am luat drogul care ma ajuta sa rezist o zi intreaga in discutii care, in mintea mea, se incheie intotdeauna cu “bla, bla, bla” sau sa tac gandind si regandind ideile care imi fac ochii sa sclipeasca a multumire.

Aici aveti unul din discursurile hranitoare, fara E-uri sau coloranti artificiali (a fost greu de ales unul cum toate pe care le-am vazut pana acum mi s-au parut foarte bune):


Revolution or democratic silence?

If tomorrow your brain organizes elections what will you vote for?

a) I want to talk and think about NOTHING

b) I want to think and talk about NOTHING


I miss interesting discussions/meetings as much as I miss heaven. I want these to get me out from daily talks about shoes with buttons. I heard or shared the last good ideas, put in simple and wise speeches, three months ago. An eternity. There are two talks I can clearly remember from this period of time: one was about how we can help people living in poverty or country less developed without humiliating them – I spent couple of hours at lunch, in a cafe and then on the street talking about this issue with one of my friends; the other one took place online, using emails, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was the main topic. Since then I cannot remember any other extraordinary idea which could “shock” my neurons during an interesting conversation.

I feel like a smoker who didn’t smoke for a while and when s/he touches the first cigar with his/her lips, s/he shivers, drops the lighter, burns his/her fingers and coughs because of too much pleasure. When I find the right man for an interesting talk, even if I have something good to say, I lose myself and lose him/her too.

But in the last week, I tried to feed my brain with speeches from www.TED.com/talks. I watch three to four speeches every night and then I can sleep like a baby. It’s like taking some pills that help me to survive 24 hours of those small talks which end, in my mind, with the common “bla, bla, bla”. Or I can stay in silence all day long and I can think about the TED ideas and my ideas which make my eyes to glow in a thankful and peaceful way.

Here is a sample of a nurture speech that has no artificial ingredient (it was very hard to pick one, as all the speeches I watched were great):


Despre Auschwitz si alte "calitati" umane

For the English version of this article click here

Cel mai bun mod de a te ascunde e sa fii prezent peste tot, dar totusi sa nu stai niciunde prea mult timp, incat sa fii recunoscut, cunoscut sau dat in vileag.

Am vazut aseara din nou The reader. (De o vreme, vad prea multe filme de mai multe ori, desi nu imi place acest lucru. Chiar aveam o "regula" sa nu pierd vremea cu cititul unei carti de doua ori sau cu vazutul unui film de mai multe ori). Nu s-a intamplat nimic diferit fata de prima vizionare. Nu radeti, ca stiu si eu ca nici "la reluare" nu se da gol. Ce vreau sa spun este ca am observat aceleasi lucruri, nimic nou. Asta e primul indiciu ca nu e neaparat un film extraordinar.

Totusi e un film greu, care se zbate intre moralitate, lege, iubire si drama si care nu te lasa sa iei o decizie finala unica. Daca ar fi sa sacrifici filmul de dragul fiecarui personaj, scenariul s-ar schimba pentru fiecare dintre personajele principale. Acest lucru este valabil pentru orice film, dar aici e mai evident decat in oricare altul vazut de mine pana acum si, ca si privitor, mi-am dorit sa am un singur unghi din care sa ma uit si sa judec stramb, pentru un oarecare confort emotional. Oricum, pana la urma am ales. Am lasat individul si legea deoparte si sustin moralitatea si binele comun.

Nu pot sa mint si sa ascund o oarecare admiratie care mi-a fost starnita si de film si de vizita mea din toamna de la Auschwitz: admiratie pentru calitatea muncii, pentru organizarea extraordinara a nemtilor si pentru indarjirea lor in urmarirea obiectivelor. Si daca stim atat de multe despre ceea ce s-a intamplat in lagare e posibil, in mare parte, datorita acestor "calitati". Pe de alta parte, ma sperie cum aceste "calitati" au fost folosite pentru eficienta industriei de omorat oameni.

Lectiile invatate si din acest film si din vizita din toamna sunt: viata nu poate fi privita in alb si negru (aceasta e in primul rand "reala" si de cele mai multe ori gri); supravietuirea multora, si a victimelor si a calailor, se datoreaza momentelor "roz" din viata - acelor momente tinute in cutiute pictate marunt si dosite departe de ochii tuturor celor din jurul tau. Nimeni nu e de incredere. "Victime" sau "calai" devin inamicii tai, doar pentru ca pretuiesc viata si "cutiuta" lor mai mult decat pe tine sau orice prietenie/relatie "profunda".

Si lagarele nu au facut decat sa scoata in evidenta aceste caracteristici ale fiintei umane mediocre. Acest tip de fiinta ar raspunde la intrebarea ofiterului SS-ist adresata judecatorului "tu ce ai fi facut in locul meu?": "la fel ca tine". Cati dintre noi pot sa spuna ca in conditii similare ar reactiona moral si nu s-ar supune autoritatii sau instinctelor de supravietuire? Cati dintre noi ar rezista instinctelor de supravietuire cand isi controleaza cu greu instincte/hormoni mult mai usor de controlat? Cati dintre noi ar rezista torturii fizice sau psihice? Cati dintre noi ar rezista presiunii autoritatii? Cati dintre noi ar rezista foamei? Cati dintre noi nu si-ar dori moartea? 10%? Ati fi printre cei 10%?

Ca sa citez un personaj din film, lagarele nu au fost universitati unde oamenii au invatat cum sa supravietuiasca. Din lagare nu iese nimic, spune victima, iar eu adaug ca totusi iese durerea care spala tot pe dinauntru si te lasa apoi gol.

M-am dus la Auschwitz din intamplare si multumita unei dragi prietene. Am intrat in lagar, seara tarziu. Ploua si trageam o geanta mica dupa mine prin balti. Mi s-a parut sinistru. Am dormit in fostele birouri SS-iste si mi-era groaza sa deschid geamul care dadea spre "baraci". Asta pana in prima zi, cand mi-am dat seama ca acolo e multa durere si ca studiam o masina de ucis oameni. Am vrut sa invat cum sa supravietuiesc si n-am reusit decat sa uit complet de mine si de cei dragi pentru trei zile. Lagarul e plin de povesti si durere. Nu pleci cu nimic mai mult. Tot nu stii cum sa supravietuiesti si tot nu stii cum ai fi reactionat in locul victimelor sau chiar al calailor.

About Auschwitz and other human "qualities"

The best way to hide is to be everywhere, but still do not spend too much time in any place, you do not want to be recognized, known or denounced.

I saw again The reader last night. (I started to watch too many movies for more than once, even if I don't like this thing. I even had a rule not to lose my time re-reading a book or re-watching a movie). Nothing happened differently. It was the same movie. Don't laugh, I know that it should be like that. What I want to say is that I didn't observe anything new. That's the first sign that the movie is not so good.

But still it's a hard movie that struggles with morality, law, love and drama and which does not allow you to make any final and unique decision. If you had to sacrifice the movie for the well-being of each character, then you would have changed the script for every single main character. Maybe this could happen with any movie, but I believe that this issue is more obvious for this movie than for any other movie I saw until now. As a movie-watcher, I wanted, more than ever, to be able to use only one angle, one point of view in understanding the story... for my emotional comfort. Anyway, in the end I chose to leave out the individual story and the law and to support the morality and the well-being of the human society.

Moreover, I cannot lie and I cannot hide my "admiration" for the Germans involved in the camps work: they were very well organized, their work was high-quality, and they were focused and firm on their objectives. This admiration appeared in my mind during my visit to Auschwitz from last autumn and I felt guilty for it. But we are able to learn so many things about the Nazi camps, because these "workers" had all these "qualities" I mentioned. At the same time, I was and I am terrified to find out how these "qualities" were used for the efficiency of a killing-people industry.

The lessons I learned from the movie and from my visit: life is not "white" or "black", it is real and most of the time it is "gray"; most of the victims or SS men survived in these camps because of the "pink" moments from their lives - moments crowded in a small painted tea caddy hidden from everyone. Nobody could be trusted. Victims or guards are your enemy, just because they might value their live and their painted tea caddy more than you or your friendship/"strong" relationship.

The Nazi camps only made these "characteristics" of mediocre human beings more obvious. This non-entity, this mediocre human being would have had a simple answer - "I would have done the same" - to the SS man's question "what would you have done if you had been in my place?". How many of us can say that in similar conditions we would have reacted in a moral way and we would have refused to obey the authority or our survival instincts? How many of us would have resisted to our survival instincts, when, now, we cannot resist to other instincts/hormones which are easier to manage? How many of us would have resisted to physical or psychological torture? How many of us would have resisted starvation? How many of us would have not wished for our death? 10%? Would you be one of these 10%?

I will quote one of the movie character: the Nazi camps were not Universities where people learned how to survive. From these camps nothing can come out, says the victim, and I will add that only pain comes out from the camps. This pain washes everything inside you and then leaves you empty.

I went to Auschwitz by coincidence and thanks to one of my dear friend. I entered in the camp late in the evening. It was raining and I was carrying a small bag through the rain water. It was dreary. I slept in one of the ex-offices of the SS men and I was afraid to open the window and to observes the barracks during the night. Then I realized that there is a lot of pain and I was studying a killing-people machine. I wanted to learn how to survive and I only succeeded to forget completely about me and my dear family and friends for three days. The camp is full with stories and pain. You cannot get more than that, and that is more than enough. You cannot learn how to survive and you cannot find yourself and learn how you would have reacted if you had been a victim or a SS guard.