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Dupa cum vedeti, ma prostesc din ce in ce mai des. Sunt si eu in concediu si, desi nu am redus volumul de munca, m-am hotarat sa nu ma mai gandesc serios la chestii serioase. Si imi permit sa imi pierd timpul cu filme bune, proaste, muzica noua, veche, discutii interesante sau fara concluzii, ganduri (ne)cuminti sau riscante, plimbari pe jos, cu masina, dans si batut din picioare pe snow patrol, zambete smechere si altele. Si in aceasta pauza mentala imi aduc aminte de unele si altele. Si la ce ma gandesc? Acum? La Depeche Mode pe care doar i-am ascultat pana acum (destul de mult in ultimul an!) si i-am vazut doar intr-un videoclip sau doua. Si gandindu-ma asa, mi-am si facut un "my favorite". Piesa pe care imi place sa dansez cel mai mult si mai mult vine de la ei. Nu risc sa va pun sa ghiciti, ca sigur sunteti posomorati cand sunt eu "neserioasa": "World in my eyes". Dar risc sa pun o intrebare gen "daca va place sa dansati, care este piesa favorita pe care ati dansa de una singura?" Pentru domni: "care e piesa care va face sa dati din picioare si mai-mai ca va ridica de pe scaunul ala de la bar?"
As you can see I "play around" more and more. I have some days off from the office. I didn't reduce the work volume, but I decided to think less seriously about serious things. Plus, I can afford to lose time and watch good/bad movies, listen to old/new music, have interesting or "no point" discussions, dirty/clear/risky thoughts, walk, drive, dance on Snow Patrol, smile, etc. Using this mental break, I recall all kind of things. And I think... what do I think? Right now? I think to Depeche Mode. I've listened to their music quite often in the last year, but I saw only one or two of their videos. Thinking about them, I created another "my favorite". So, my favorite song I love to dance on is a Depeche Mode song. I won't risk to ask you to guess the song, 'cause I'm sure that you are not in a good mood like I am. So the song is: "World in My Eyes". But I will ask you a "women magazine" question type. For women: "If you like to dance, what's your favorite song you like to dance on alone?" And for men: "What's the song that makes you jump on the chair and almost makes you leave your chair from the bar?"
You got to spend some time...
I like this song, even if it talks too much about possession. :) It's about too much love, or desperation, or too much confidence. And it is a looong song, but with a good incremental rhythm... it's like following your love, step by step, sound by sound, getting closer and closer to him/her, and you are waiting for the end - the happy end. But the happy end is not getting there in time, so from too much love, desperation, confidence or craziness you push the fast forward button: "I will possess your heart". At this point the song ends. Usually when the ffw button is pushed the other one runs, probably because 90% of people cannot make the right decision under too much pressure or possession.
Death Cab for Cutie - I will possess your heart
For a better version of the song go here:
Death Cab for Cutie - I will possess your heart
For a better version of the song go here:
Women are the future (Thank you, Bono ;) )
Here is the new U2 single, from the album No Line on the Horizon. It makes me jump, it makes me search for the right rhythm inside me. I'm waiting for the album.
Slumdog Millionaire - two versions
For the English version of this article click here.
M-a prostit filmul asta rau de tot, pana la ultima secventa. A castigat Globul de Aur, e o poveste interesanta, cu decor nemaivazut in alte filme, intr-o tara unde tocmai am visat ca am fost, cu actori "no name", dar care joaca bine, cu muzica si montaj interesante. O poveste a nimanui, jucata si pusa in scena frumos. Vorbesc despre Slumdog Millionaire.
Finalul insa si-a pus amprenta pe tot filmul. Aveam in fata aceeasi poveste a filmelor indiene "traditionale", cu un el si o ea, predestinati de mici sa fie impreuna, dar care sunt separati la nesfarsit de oamenii rai si de viata care vrea sa ii invete multe. Destinul insa invinge. El nu se lasa si devine erou national, fara sa isi dea seama. Ea se pierde si se readuna, sufera si fuge. Binele invinge, cei doi se intalnesc din nou, caci asa le este "scris". Intre timp, el castiga "Vrei sa fii miliardar" in varianta indiana, pentru ca asa e scris sa castige. Intrebarile si raspunsurile sunt legate profund sau artificial de viata lui.
Si totusi, mi-a placut. Exceptand dansul de final, cel de grup, care da filmul de gol. Il aveti mai jos, dar uitati-va si la film, ca e un film bun (altfel nu as fi scris de el aici, cred).
M-a prostit filmul asta rau de tot, pana la ultima secventa. A castigat Globul de Aur, e o poveste interesanta, cu decor nemaivazut in alte filme, intr-o tara unde tocmai am visat ca am fost, cu actori "no name", dar care joaca bine, cu muzica si montaj interesante. O poveste a nimanui, jucata si pusa in scena frumos. Vorbesc despre Slumdog Millionaire.
Finalul insa si-a pus amprenta pe tot filmul. Aveam in fata aceeasi poveste a filmelor indiene "traditionale", cu un el si o ea, predestinati de mici sa fie impreuna, dar care sunt separati la nesfarsit de oamenii rai si de viata care vrea sa ii invete multe. Destinul insa invinge. El nu se lasa si devine erou national, fara sa isi dea seama. Ea se pierde si se readuna, sufera si fuge. Binele invinge, cei doi se intalnesc din nou, caci asa le este "scris". Intre timp, el castiga "Vrei sa fii miliardar" in varianta indiana, pentru ca asa e scris sa castige. Intrebarile si raspunsurile sunt legate profund sau artificial de viata lui.
Si totusi, mi-a placut. Exceptand dansul de final, cel de grup, care da filmul de gol. Il aveti mai jos, dar uitati-va si la film, ca e un film bun (altfel nu as fi scris de el aici, cred).
Slumdog Millionaire - two versions
This movie fooled me, until the final scene. It won the Golden Globe, and a lot of other awards. It is an interesting story, with "fresh" settings, placed in a country where I was in one of my recent dreams, a movie with "no name" actors who play well, and with very interesting music and montage. It is nobody's story played and composed very well. I'm talking about Slumdog Millionaire.
The final scene "uncovered" the real movie. I found the same Indian story of the "traditional" movies: he meets her when they are kids and it's written for them to be together. But they are constantly separated by evil men and by life which wants to teach them some important things. The destiny wins the war in the end. He becomes a national hero (unintentionally!), and she gets herself together, suffers, and escapes. The good wins, they meet again, 'cause it's written! Meanwhile, he wins the Indian version of "Who wants to be a millionaire", because it's written (of course), it's destiny. The contest's questions and answers are deeply/artificially connected to his own life.
But still I liked the movie, beside the final dance, the group dance which "betrays" the movie. You can watch the final dance above. Watch the movie too, it's still a good movie (I wouldn't have written here about it, if it wasn't like that).
The final scene "uncovered" the real movie. I found the same Indian story of the "traditional" movies: he meets her when they are kids and it's written for them to be together. But they are constantly separated by evil men and by life which wants to teach them some important things. The destiny wins the war in the end. He becomes a national hero (unintentionally!), and she gets herself together, suffers, and escapes. The good wins, they meet again, 'cause it's written! Meanwhile, he wins the Indian version of "Who wants to be a millionaire", because it's written (of course), it's destiny. The contest's questions and answers are deeply/artificially connected to his own life.
But still I liked the movie, beside the final dance, the group dance which "betrays" the movie. You can watch the final dance above. Watch the movie too, it's still a good movie (I wouldn't have written here about it, if it wasn't like that).
"Let it go"... si ascundeti-o bine in spatele ochilor
For the English version of this article click here.
The Curios Case of Benjamin Button. Incerc sa ma conving ca a fost doar un film si o poveste inventata. E un film la care te-ai putea uita si invers, de la coada la inceput. Mesajul e acelasi, si banuiesc ca pentru fiecare e diferit.
Nu o sa vorbesc despre film, actori, regie, imagini, poveste, muzica etc. Nu cred ca a fost perfect si nici cel mai bun. E un film despre care nu o sa vorbesc cu toata lumea si nu o sa spun multora ce sentiment mi-a lasat sau la ce m-a facut sa ma gandesc. E al doilea film pe care vreau sa il pastrez pentru mine.
Uitati-va si voi si doar daca aveti ceva important de spus despre el sa imi spuneti. Daca nu, mai bine nu spuneti nimic. Lasati-l sa se termine asa in liniste. Inchideti ochii si mergeti mai departe. Inchideti-l in spatele ochilor. Inchideti-va viata in spatele ochilor.
The Curios Case of Benjamin Button. Incerc sa ma conving ca a fost doar un film si o poveste inventata. E un film la care te-ai putea uita si invers, de la coada la inceput. Mesajul e acelasi, si banuiesc ca pentru fiecare e diferit.
Nu o sa vorbesc despre film, actori, regie, imagini, poveste, muzica etc. Nu cred ca a fost perfect si nici cel mai bun. E un film despre care nu o sa vorbesc cu toata lumea si nu o sa spun multora ce sentiment mi-a lasat sau la ce m-a facut sa ma gandesc. E al doilea film pe care vreau sa il pastrez pentru mine.
Uitati-va si voi si doar daca aveti ceva important de spus despre el sa imi spuneti. Daca nu, mai bine nu spuneti nimic. Lasati-l sa se termine asa in liniste. Inchideti ochii si mergeti mai departe. Inchideti-l in spatele ochilor. Inchideti-va viata in spatele ochilor.
"Let it go"... lock it behind your eyes
The Curios Case of Benjamin Button. I try to convince myself that it was only a movie, only a story invented by someone. It's a movie that can be seen on backward too. The message is the same, but different for each of us.
I won't talk about the movie, the actors, the director, pictures, music etc. I don't think it was perfect and it wasn't the best. It's a movie I won't talk about on the streets, with everyone. And there are few people that I will talk with about it, and I will tell them what I felt and I thought watching it. It's the second movie that I want to keep inside me.
Watch it, and only if you think you have something important to say about it, dare to write/tell me what you think. If not, it's better to be quiet. Let it go. Let it end quietly. Shut your eyes and go further. Lock it behind your eyes. Lock your life behind your eyes.
I won't talk about the movie, the actors, the director, pictures, music etc. I don't think it was perfect and it wasn't the best. It's a movie I won't talk about on the streets, with everyone. And there are few people that I will talk with about it, and I will tell them what I felt and I thought watching it. It's the second movie that I want to keep inside me.
Watch it, and only if you think you have something important to say about it, dare to write/tell me what you think. If not, it's better to be quiet. Let it go. Let it end quietly. Shut your eyes and go further. Lock it behind your eyes. Lock your life behind your eyes.
Why not?
Am gasit clipurile de mai jos pe doua bloguri si le-am furat, pentru ca vreau si eu sa "promovez" ideile din spatele lor. Intr-un fel, cele doua se aseamana. De ce nu am vedea lumea si altfel? De ce nu am incerca si ceva care ni se pare de neincercat?
I found these two videos on other two blogs and I "stole" them, because I wanted to promote these ideas too. These two videos are similar: Why not? Why we shouldn't try to see the world from a different perspective? Why we shouldn't try something that seems impossible to be tried?
I found these two videos on other two blogs and I "stole" them, because I wanted to promote these ideas too. These two videos are similar: Why not? Why we shouldn't try to see the world from a different perspective? Why we shouldn't try something that seems impossible to be tried?
Valencia - the city of oranges
Till I get some time to tell the story of my visit to Valencia, follow this link for pictures:
Here are my favorites:
Here are my favorites:
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