
Mirar el cielo

From what I read:

"Imi place numele acestei sarbatori, in spaniola, mirar el cielo, pentru ca ma duce cu gandul la oglinda cerului. (...) In ajunul sarbatorii, fiecare trebuie sa se pregateasca. Nu facand o munca anume, ci, dimpotriva, incetinandu-si viata. (...) nu stelele conteaza, ci cunoasterea vidului. (...) Inchipuie-ti ca aceasta noapte este cea mai lunga din viata ta. Lasa-te purtat intr-o alta lume, ghiceste-o ca greierul, prin porii pielii tale, nu doar cu odaile goale ale ochilor, ci cu tot trupul. Respir-o, bea-o. Daca ai impresia ca stii ceva, uita tot ce stii. (...)priviti cerul si pierdeti-va in spatiu in aceasta noapte . (...) raman nemiscati, cu ochii deschisi, pentru a intra in spatiu. Am intrat din prima. Deasupra mea s-a deschis o poarta mare si am simtit ca alunec prin ea, nu in inchipuire, ci cu privirea, o miscare ce pornea din centrul corpului meu si se infunda in intuneric. (...) Mi se parea ca eram totodata aici si acolo, foarte aproape, foarte departe." / I like the name of this holiday, in Spanish, mirar el cielo, because it reminds me of the sky mirror. (...) During the holiday's eve, everyone should prepare for it. Not working, but, by contrary, slowing down their life. (...) not the stars are important, but the meeting of the emptiness between them. (...) Imagine this night as the longest night of your life. Let yourself carried in another world, guess it like a cicada, through your skins' pores, not just through your eyes' empty space, but through your whole body. Inhale it, drink it. If you think you know something, forget everything you know. (...) Look to the sky and lose yourself in space this night. (...) they stay still, with their eyes open in order to enter the space. I entered from the first try. Above me, a big gate opened and I felt slipping through it, not in my imagination, but through my look, a movement that started inside of my body and died in the darkness. (...) It seemed like I was there, and here at the same time, very close and faraway." (Urania, J.M.G. Le Clezio)

"Myself, I had never been to the ocean, and it was on the growing list of places I wanted to visited before I died. Not just to visit but be a part of; my idea of visiting the ocean was to be a sailor, and my idea of visiting Alaska was to work the pipeline, and my idea of Africa was to hunt and guide and explore, and my idea of Texas was to die at the Alamo, and my idea of Paris was to be in a room and write all this down". (Stay Here With Me, Robert Olmstead)

"Needing to learn something can become the best reason to do nothing in your life. You are always waiting around, always afraid to step or speak, afraid to do what people have been doing for thousands of years". (Stay Here With Me, Robert Olmstead)

"A remarcat: Dar, daca mergi in linie dreapta, nu vei putea intalni oameni". / "He observed: But, if you go straight, you won't be able to meet people". (Urania, J.M.G. Le Clezio)



"I'll sing it one last time for you
Then we really have to go
You've been the only thing that's right
In all I've done" (Snow Patrol, Run)


Cu televizorul, tampim poporul!

Nu mai suport. N-am vrut sa zic nimic si am vrut sa ma abtin si sa imi vad de gandurile mele, dar nu mai suport. Mi-e scarba si trebuie sa dau tot afara din mine. Ce televiziune de rahat esti, cum naiba crezi ca o sa se mai uite cineva la emisiunile tale acum si in veci pururea, daca ma crezi prost, idiot, tembel, tampit si mai crezi ca inghit tot ce imi dai??????????????

Chiar orice buletin de stiri trebuie sa inceapa de cinci zile cu filmul cu Basescu lovind sau nelovind un copil???? Si astazi prezinti protestul anti-comunist din Timisoara ca un miting in care se cearta pdl-isti cu psd-isti si vorbesti de violente cum vorbea televiziunea romana de Piata Universitatii in '90??????????????????????? Mi-e scarba de Realitatea TV si de Antena 3! Sa le scada audientele pe cat a crescut apa in Venetia in ultimele zile!!! (de stirea asta ati auzit? nuuuuu? oare de ce?)

Vreau partialitate, nu tin cu Basescu, mi-am anulat primul vot, dar nu mai suport atata aroganta si atata partinire! Si m-am saturat sa vad doua televiziuni care ii considera pe romani prosti!

In aceste zile, sper ca romanii, aia pe care cele doua canale ii cred prosti, batuti in cap, idioti, tembeli, usor de manipulat, sa fi citit stirile pe net sau sa le fi trait pe pielea lor sau in cel mai prost caz sa se fi uitat la acasa tv, sport.ro, hallmark etc.

Si sa nu indrazniti sa imi spuneti ca nu stiu eu ce e aia jurnalism si obiectivitate, ca va mananc!