If you want to see more pictures from the Black Sea, go here: http://picasaweb.google.com/beudean/TheBlackSeaClearWaterClearMind2009#
Clear mind, clear water
If you want to see more pictures from the Black Sea, go here: http://picasaweb.google.com/beudean/TheBlackSeaClearWaterClearMind2009#
“What’s your name soldier?”/ “No trust, no deal” cu Tarantino
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Mai tineti minte bancul acela cu Titanic si Bruce Willis? Ce s-ar fi intamplat daca Bruce Willis ar fi jucat in Titanic? Ar fi salvat vaporul si oamenii si … adio poveste si istorie. Cam asa e si cu filmul lui Tarantino – Inglourious Basterds – o poanta cu scene bune, filmata bine, cu actori cu roluri scurte si “esentiale”. Razboiul se termina cu un an mai repede si in stilul lui Tarantino si al filmelor americane in care binele infrange si razbunarea se realizeaza inainte de “the end”.
Mi-a placut, desi nu pot spune ca nu m-am simtit un pic prost razand la bancul lui Tarantino. Cum pot sa rad de cruzimile din al doilea razboi mondial? Si ma intrebam ce or fi simtit germanii, evreii, vazand filmul acesta? Si oare razbunarea “dinte pentru dinte” nu e de condamnat?
Razbunarea? Pana la urma si evreica moare, intr-un fel e pedepsita pentru planul diabolic. In ceea ce priveste, suferinta evreilor, primul capitol o trateaza cu respect si surprinde perfect esenta lucrurilor si cruzimea evenimentelor, iar apoi aceasta coarda nu mai este atinsa. Apoi, filmul nu vorbeste de nemti, ci de nazisti, si oricum nemtii sunt prezentati ca niste persoane extrem de educate, care cel putin vorbesc mai multe limbi decat americanii. Iar cu americanii e ironic, dar reda caricatural si bine implicarea lor in sfarsitul celui de al doilea razboi mondial cand au venit si au curatat “rahatul” din Europa.
De fapt, toate personajele sunt niste caricaturi. Brad Pitt? Joaca bine, a inteles ca e vorba de o gluma si face bine pe nebunul. Si vorbeste italiana extraordinar! (Sigur ca da.)
M-am dat un pic si pe net si m-am uitat la criticile primite de film si unii zic ca Tarantino este intr-o pasa proasta, ca filmul nu are actiune, ca rolurile sunt prea scurte, ca unele lucruri, cum ar fi accentul de sudist al lui Brad Pitt, sunt exagerate si artificiale, ca schimba istoria, ca actorii europeni au primit roluri mici, ca e crud fara rost, dar totusi nu pana la capat s.a.m.d. Eu zic ca a fost un banc bine construit si ca trebuie privit doar din aceasta perspectiva si atat. Relaxati-va si aveti incredere in Tarantino.
“What’s your name soldier?”. “No trust, no deal” with Tarantino

I liked the movie, but I cannot say that I felt completely comfortable laughing at Tarantino’s joke. It is still a “sensitive” joke about the cruelty of the world war II, and what did the Germans or the Jews think about this? And shouldn’t we condemn the “tooth for tooth” revenge?
Revenge? In the movie, the Jew woman,who planned the diabolic event, to burn the Fuhrer and hundreds Nazis, is punished, so she gets killed. Then the Jews’ suffer is well and respectfully treated and mentioned in the first chapter of the movie, and then this side of the war is not “touched” anymore. In addition, the movie doesn’t speak about Germans, it speaks about Nazis, and still the Germans are presented as very well educated men, who at least speak more languages than Americans. The movie is ironic with the Americans, but still it presents, in a very synthetic and funny way, how they got involved in the war and how they came to clean the European “shit”, following their democratic values.
All the characters are funny as some caricatures. Brad Pitt? He plays a good role, and he understood that the movie is a joke and he loves to play a crazy man. And he speaks a very good Italian. Lol.
I searched the Internet and I found out that the film critics were not so impressed by Tarantino’s movie. Some of them say that he is in a bad shape, that the movie has no action, that the roles are too small, some things are artificial and exaggerated (such as Brad Pitt’s accent), that the movie is too cruel or not cruel enough, that the European actors got only unimportant roles, etc. I say that it was a well built joke, and it has to be seen only from this perspective. So, relax and enjoy it and trust Tarantino.