
Criza pe intelesul copiilor

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Mama este omul care are cele mai frumoase povesti de la locul de munca. Lucreaza intr-o gradinita. Ce auzi acolo, nu auzi niciunde. Dupa ultimele ei povesti cu personajele mele favorite (am eu cativa copii pe care ii recunosc pe strada numai din povestile lu' mama), criza economica nu numai ca loveste si unde nu te astepti, dar e si din ce in ce mai explicita - pe intelesul copiilor.

Inchipuiti-va un pusti ardelean de trei ani, ajuns dimineata la 7 la gradinita, cu tramvaiul, mai mult adormit decat treaz. Supararea lui trece dincolo de faptul ca tatal a trebuit sa vanda masina si acum vine cu tramvaiul: marea lui problema este bugetul national al Romaniei.

Plimbandu-se de la un capat la altul al salii, gesticuland precum un om mare intra in vorba cu mama: "Angelă, nu stiu ce fac astia cu bugetul, ca nu mai maresc odata salariile. O inghetat tat. Si tata nu vindea masina, daca stia ca ne-om descurca asa de greu. Si eu am acasa un tractor. Da' s-au gatat bateriile. Mi-o zis mama ca nu sunt bani. Si iti dai seama ca imi trebuie nu una, ca doua baterii!"

Explicatii: parintii sunt bugetari si asteapta/spera ca odata cu bugetul se maresc salariile. Si atunci pustiul trage concluzia ca daca bugetul iese pe teava, are si el baterii pentru tractor si poate veni cu masina la gradinita.

Dupa cateva zile, adica azi, subiectul este reluat de acelasi pusti. Intra ingrijitoarea in sala, iar cel mic intreaba: "N-ai vazut nimic la stiri? Ce fac astia cu bugetul?"

In aceeasi zi, la aceeasi gradinita, de grija bugetului sau a altor jocuri si jucarii de criza, copiii nu au somn si, in lipsa educatoarei, in varful paturilor de pitici din Alba-ca-Zapada, fac sedinta.

The crisis explained by kids

My mom has the most wonderful stories from work. She works in a kindergarten. You cannot imagine what you can hear in such a beautiful place. The last stories from her with my favorite "characters" (I have some favorite kids that I can recognize on the street only using my mom's stories) proved that the economic crisis hits where you don't expect and it is clearer than ever, and it can be understood even by kids.

Imagine a three years old child, in an early morning. He got to the kindergaten by tram, because his father had to sell the car. He is almost sleeping, and sad. His main concern it's not the tram, but the Romania's national budget.

Walking and talking as an old men, tells my mom: "Angela, I don't know what they are doing right now with this budget, 'cause they didn't raise any salary. Everything is frozen. My dad wouldn't have sold the car, if he had known how bad it is. I have at home my own big car [a toy], but the batteries are empty. My mom told me that there is no money for batteries. And I need not just one, but two of them!"

Some explanations: his parents work for government and they are waiting and hoping for a salary increase as soon as the budget will be approved. So the kid concluded that when the budget is done, he can buy the batteries he needs and come to the kindergarten with his car.

After a couple of days, the kid re-discusses the issue: "Did you see the news? Is there anything new about the budget?"

On the same day, in the same kindergarten, the kids cannot sleep because of the budget or other "wonderful" worries. In the top of their small beds, they have an important meeting that looks like a governmental one.